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Haya S. Feig

  • Teaching Associate Professor

Haya Feig oversees the Hebrew language program for the Program in Jewish Studies and teaches first- through third-year modern Hebrew and Biblical Hebrew (classical). She was part of the recent multiyear University of Pittsburgh Oral Language Assessment Instrument (UPOLAI) project for assessing intermediate and advanced language skills in French, German, Hebrew, Portuguese, and Spanish and was awarded a Bowman Faculty Grant for the development of intermediate and advanced language teaching techniques in 2008.

In addition to a master's degree in the teaching of foreign languages and another in Jewish history, Ms. Feig participated in the Tel Aviv University Program in the Management and Marketing of Unique and Renewed Educational Systems (2003-2004), earned an Education Leadership Certificate (2000) and trained in teaching Hebrew as a second language (1992-1993) at Lewinsky College, and received a Counseling Certificate (1987) and Teaching License (1978) from Bar Ilan University. She holds a BA in Geography and Jewish Studies from Bar Ilan University (1977) and trained in multimedia and computer design at Ort Singalovsky College (1997-1999).

Ms. Feig has taught Hebrew as a second language in the United States since 2000 and has taught in Great Britain (1993-1997) and Israel (1977-2004).

HEBREW 0101: Elementary Hebrew 1
Cross-listed with JS 0013 
Offered annually in the Fall Term (5 credits)

In HEBREW 0101: Elementary Hebrew 1, students are introduced to the fundamentals of modern Hebrew. Students work to develop the four basic skills of language acquisition—speaking, listening, reading, and writing—with an emphasis on oral communication. No previous knowledge of Hebrew is presupposed.

HEBREW 0102: Elementary Hebrew 2
Cross-listed with JS 0014 
Offered annually in the Spring Term (5 credits)

In HEBREW 0102: Elementary Hebrew 2, students continue to develop all four skills acquired in Hebrew 0101 with continued emphasis on oral communication.

HEBREW 0103: Intermediate Hebrew 3
Cross-listed with JS 0025 
Offered annually in the Fall Term

In HEBREW 0103: Intermediate Hebrew 3, students continue to develop all four skills acquired in Hebrew 0102 with continued emphasis on oral communication. Readings include Hebrew language contemporary essays, short stories and articles.

HEBREW 0104: Intermediate Hebrew 4
Cross-listed with JS 0026 
Offered annually in the Spring Term

In HEBREW 0104: Intermediate Hebrew 4, students continue to develop all four skills acquired in Hebrew 0103 with continued emphasis on oral communication. Students are introduced to more sophisticated texts in Hebrew and to widening forms of Hebrew language electronic, print, and social media, and learn to responded critically to them both orally and in writing.

HEBREW 0105: Advanced Hebrew 5
Cross-listed with JS 0037 
Offered annually in the Fall Term

In Hebrew 0105: Advanced Hebrew 5, students continue to develop all four skills acquired in Hebrew 0104 with emphasis placed on oral presentation and composition. Modern Hebrew language sources from literature, print and electronic media, film and television are used exclusively. 

HEBREW 1101: Biblical Hebrew
Cross-listed with JS 1065 
Offered annually in the Spring Term

The goal of this one-semester course—HEBREW 1106: Biblical Hebrew—is for students to be able to read the Hebrew Bible, with minimal use of a dictionary. Students learn the Hebrew alphabet and classical grammar and concentrate on vocabulary. This course is appropriate for students with no knowledge of modern Hebrew as well as for those who do.

    Education & Training

  • MEd, University of Pittsburgh, 2008
  • MA, London University, 1997