To declare a minor in religious studies, complete this form.
For the most current course requirements, please refer to the Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences Undergraduate Studies Department's program requirements sheet for the Religious Studies minor. The information displayed below is intended only to serve as a reference.
Course Requirements
The minor in Religious Studies requires five courses (15 credits).
Important: The same course may not fulfill more than one distribution requirement.
Introductory Courses
Two courses (6 credits)
Students select two courses from the following list of introductory courses:
- 0025 Major Biblical Themes
- 0083 Mythology in the Ancient World
- 0090 Myth in the Ancient Near East
- 0105 Religions of the West
- 0115 Bible as Literature (not applicable beginning Fall 2017)
- 0283 US and the Holocaust
- 0305 Classics of Christian Thought
- 0405 From Witches to Walden Pond—Religion in Early America
- 0415 Religion in Modern America
- 0435 Religion, Film, and Literature
- 0454 Rise of Islam
- 0455 Introduction to Islamic Civilization
- 0500 What is Religion?
- 0505 Religion in Asia
- 0525 Religion and Culture in East Asia
- 0710 Sociology of Religion
- 0715 Philosophy of Religion
- 0735 Wisdom
- 0760 Religion and Rationality
- 0770 Science and Religion
- 1144 Classical Mythology and Literature
Religion in the East
One course (3 credits)
Students select one course from the following list of 1000-level courses:
- 0780 Quantum Karma: Science in Hindu and Buddhist Traditions
- 1402 Health and Religion
- 1456 Islam in Asia
- 1458 Women and Islam in Asia
- 1500 Religion in India 1
- 1510 Religion in India 2: Storytelling as as Religious Form
- 1511 Yoga: Of Loincloths and Lululemon
- 1520 Buddhism Along the Silk Road
- 1521 Asian Religion Perspectives on Bioethics
- 1540 Saints East and West
- 1545 Mysticism East and East
- 1550 East Asian Buddhism
- 1552 Buddhist Meditative Traditions
- 1554 Death and Beyond in Buddhist Cultures
- 1557 Buddhist Lives
- 1558 Buddhism and Psychology
- 1560 Religion and Healing in China
- 1570 Religions of Japan
- 1572 Popular Religion in a Changing Japan
- 1575 Law and Medicine in Asian Religions
- 1600 Asian-American Religions
- 1722 Healing, Shamanism, and Spirit Possession
Religion in the West
One course (3 credits)
Students select one course from the following list of 1000-level courses:
- 1100 Israel in the Biblical Age
- 1102 History of God
- 1120 Origins of Christianity
- 1130 Varieties of Early Christianity
- 1132 Paul
- 1135 Orthodox Christianity
- 1140 Dualism in the Ancient World
- 1142 Construction of Evil
- 1143 Death in the Name of God
- 1145 Greco-Roman Religions
- 1148 Religions of Ancient Egypt
- 1150 Body and Society in Late Antiquity
- 1151 Death in the Mediterranean World
- 1160 Jerusalem—History and Imagination
- 1170 Archaeology of Israel-Palestine
- 1171 Health and Illness in Israeli Society
- 1210 Jews and Judaism—Ancient
- 1220 Jews and Judaism—Medieval
- 1222 Jewish Mysticism
- 1228 Exodus and Passover
- 1240 Jews and the City
- 1241 Gender and Jewish History
- 1250 Jews and Judaism—Modern
- 1252 Holocaust History and Memory
- 1280 Modern & Contemporary Jewish Thought
- 1320 Medieval History 1
- 1372 Catholicism in the New World
- 1380 Religion Right Now
- 1400 Religion and Culture in America
- 1405 Religion and Sexuality
- 1412 Ethnicity in American Religion
- 1417 Philosophy of Race and Religion
- 1418 From Vodou to Santeria: Religions of the West African Diaspora
- 1425 Popular Religion in America
- 1427 Religion and Law
- 1428 Religion and Sports
- 1438 Religion and Politics
- 1449 Islam & Conflict in Global Contexts
- 1519 Religion, Nature and the Environment
- 1450 Islam, Law and Politics
- 1452 Hymns and HipHop—Sounds of Islam
- 1540 Saints East and West
- 1545 Mysticism East and East
- 1610 Myth, Symbol, Ritual
- 1622 Body Size Around the Globe
- 1642 Christian-Muslim Relations
- 1644 Christians, Muslims, and Jews in the Middle Ages
- 1645 The Historical Jesus
- 1652 Antisemitism, Race, and Gender
- 1681 Inventing Israel—Zionism, Anti-Zionism, Post-Zionism
- 1720 Guide for the Perplexed
- 1722 Healing, Shamanism, and Spirit Possession
- 1725 Death in the Healthcare Professions
- 1726 Healing and Humanity
One course (3 credits)
Students select one additional religious studies course at the 1000 level. With permission of the director of undergraduate studies, this course may include RELGST 1803: Directed Research Seminar offered in the fall term. See also Descriptions of Regularly Taught Courses.
Checklist for Religious Studies Minors
Important Regulations for Minors
All courses counted toward the minor must be taken for a letter grade and completed with a C or above.
At least three courses must be completed on the Oakland campus. Students transferring from other colleges or universities need to consult with the director of undergraduate studies about transferring courses and credits to be applied to the minor. See Transferring Credits.
All Arts and Sciences students must complete a related area requirement. Completing a minor in religious studies satisfies the related area requirement.