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Resources at the Intersection of Religion & Racism, the History of the Black Church, and anti-Racism Work

Compiled by Dr. Brock Bahler, 

including suggestions from Dr. Keisha N. Blain, Dr. Waverly Duck, 

Dr. Rachel Kranson, Dr. Clark Chilson, and Dr. Paula Kane:


Follow this link for a brief introduction to "Religion, Race, and Racism."


What can I do?

Global and national events can often make us feel powerless and paralyzed, especially when they are related to systemic issues of injustice. You’re not alone. But sometimes we do know of things we can do but are afraid of offending people, afraid of the cost, or afraid of making a mistake. But it’s better to make mistakes along the way than to live a lifetime in ignorance or be complicit through your inaction.

There are many anti-racism resources already available out there. Xavier Ramey has said that “the perpetuation of ignorance is another form of [racial] violence.” Many of us have been taught a white supremacist education—an education that implicitly assumed whiteness as normative and centered white European history and white European authors. Take a look at your bookshelf: how many Black and Brown authors are represented there? With the world at our fingertips, it is our responsibility to broaden and diversify our knowledge, to become more informed allies and advocates, and to amplify the voices of scholars and activists from traditionally marginalized communities.

The following material predominately centers Black and African-American voices and the problem of anti-Black racism. It is impossible to completely and exhaustively represent the scholarship and activism that exists, let alone adequately document the other many faces of white supremacy that oppress and marginalize Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, Middle Eastern, African, and other subaltern voices.

As an academic department, these resources also lean heavily on educational and learning tools, but education is not enough. In fact, reducing racism to an epistemological category or an abstract concept to be grasped is a form of racial violence itself. And making a long list of resources is merely a performative gesture on its own. While educating ourselves is important, it has its limitations. If you are a beneficiary of white privilege, you might never comprehend the spiritual, psychological, and physical trauma that comes with being Black or Brown in America. However, we can bear witness to the suffering of others, actively listen to their stories, participate in protests, and advocate alongside them even if our knowledge is in part.

Links to Existing Resources, including Readings Lists and Practical Actions


Op-Eds / News Articles


Black History & Black Experience


Christianity, Racism, & the Construction of Race 


Slave Narratives & The Abolitionist Movement


The Black Church


Black Liberation Theology


Islam and African-American Thought


Jewish Thought and Jews of Color


Asian Religions and Anti-Black Racism


Black Womanist/Feminist Thought


Philosophy of Race/Critical Race Theory


Postcolonial/Decolonial Thought


Literary Works


Civil Rights/Activism


Systemic/Institutionalized Racism


Policing, Crime, and Mass Incarceration


Implicit/Unconscious Bias & Racism


Whiteness & White Privilege




Resources for Parents & Educators of Kids and Teenagers




Short Talks/Videos


Films & Documentaries

  • 13th (Ava DuVernay) – Available on Netflix
  • I Am Not Your Negro (James Baldwin documentary) – Available on Amazon Prime
  • The Hate U Give (George Tillman Jr.)
  • Selma (Ava DuVernay)
  • The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution
  • Do the Right Thing (Spike Lee)
  • Get Out (Jordan Peele)

