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Jaimie Gunderson

  • Assistant Professor


Christian origins, Christianity in Late Antiquity, New Testament, Greco-Roman Religions, Material Religion, Affect Theory, Sensory Archaeology, New Materialisms, Ge'ez Literature

    Education & Training

  • PhD, University of Texas at Austin
  • MA, University of Texas at Austin; University of Kansas
  • BA, University of Arizona
Representative Publications

“UFOs in Early Christianity: The Pleasures of Alternative Histories.” Theology and Science 22.1 (2024): 66-79.

“Vibrant Pomegranates: Urbanism and New Materialism in Ancient Side” in Revelation and Material Religion in the Roman East: Essays on Religion and Revelation in Honor of Steven J. Friesen. Edited by Nathan Leach, Daniel C. Smith, and G. Anthony Keddie. London: Routledge, 2023, 258-78.

“The Super Foul Apostles: Sexual Impropriety, Disgust, and Stinky Affective Histories in 2 Cor. 11:2-4.” Biblical Interpretation 30 (2022): 578-99.

“Corinthian PDA: Medea Monuments, 2 Corinthians, and the Negotiation of Grief.” In The Social Worlds of Ancient Jews and Christians: Essays on Honor of L. Michael White. Novem Testamentum Supplements 189. Edited by Jaimie Gunderson, Tony Keddie, and Douglas Boin. Leiden: Brill, 2022, 58-84.

“Sexy Salvific Epiphanies: Gods, Their Sleeping Lovers, and Roman Viewers in House and Tomb.” BABESCH 96 (2021): 151-76. With John R. Clarke.

 “Feeling Apollo: Sensory Engagement at the Sanctuary of Apollo at Klaros.” Material Religion: The Journal of Objects, Art and Belief 17.3 (2021): 405-28.

 “An Ethiopic Version of the Life of Mary of Egypt.”  Bostok (Oriens) no. 3 (2019): 151-69. With John Huehnergard.

 “The Space Between a Wound and a Scar: The Negotiation of Heroic Identity in Gregory of Nyssa’s Life of Macrina.” Medieval Feminist Forum 52.1 (2016): 60-83.