Religion and society in the Balkans and South Asia, topics in comparative religion
Eastern Orthodoxy, Mysticism East and East, Saints East and West, Religions of India I, Religions of India II: Storytelling as a Religious Form, Christian-Muslim Relations, Myth, Symbol & Ritual
University Affiliations
Core faculty member of the Indo-Pacific Studies Program, Asian Studies Center and Center for Russian and East European Studies of the University Center for International Studies
- PhD, University of Chicago, 1997
Education & Training
2023. Ex-Orientalism Lux: A Reflection on Differing Legacies of a Concept. In Re-Imagining the Balkans, How to Think and Teach a Region (Festschrift in Honor of Maria Todorova), ed. by Augusta Dimou, et al. 97-107. De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
2022. Dijalog između religija: realna mogućnost ili pusta želja?“ (Dialogue between Religions: Real Possibility or Unrealistic Desire?) Srpska politička misao, specijalno izdanje, 13-30.
2021. Hinduizam: mnogo buke oko Tog Jednog (Hinduism: Much Ado about That One) Beograd: Geopoetika.
2021. Doubly Neglected: Histories of Women Monastics in the Serbian Orthodox Church. In Women and Religiosity in Orthodox Christian Contexts, edited by Ina Merdjanova, 176-206. Fordham University Press.
2021. Images of India in South Slavic Literatures, Serbian Studies, 32 (1-2): 115-129.
2021. “Women’s Activism in India: Negotiating Secularism and Religion,” Filozofija i društvo (Philosophy and Society) 32 (3): 407-417.
“The Cross at the Crossroads: The Feast of Slava between Faith and Customs,” in Everyday Life in the Balkans. Edited by David Montgomery. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, (July/August 2018).
Antagonistic Tolerance: Competitive Sharing of Religious Sites and Spaces (co-author).
“Religija i religijski autoritet u doba sekularizma i globalizacije: neke implikacija za Balkan” (Religion and Religious Authority in the Age of Secularism and Globalization: Some Implications for the Balkans). In Religija, religioznost i savremena kultura (Religion, Religiosity and Contemporary Culture), Collected Volume (no 30), edited by Aleksandra Pavičević, 19-37. Belgrade: Institute of Ethnography, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2014.
"Empires are Us: Identifying with Differences," in Images of Imperial Legacy: Modern Discourses on the Social and Cultural Impact of Ottoman and Habsburg Rule in Southeast Europe, edited by Tea Sindbaek and Maximilian Hartmuth, Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2011.
“St. Sava and the Power(s) of Spiritual Authority,” Serbian Studies 24.1-2 (2010): 49-62.
“Teoloska antropologija zene: pravoslavna perspektiva” (“Theological Anthropology of Woman: An Orthodox Perspective”) in I vjernice i gradjanke (Women as Believers and Citizens), edited by Zilka Spahic-Siljak and Rebeka Anic, Sarajevo: TPO Foundation, 2009.
"Two Methods of Contemplation: Yoga and Hesychast Prayer," Glasnik Etnografskog Instituta SANU (Herald of the Ethnographic Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts) LV/2 (2008).
Varijacije na temu 'Balkan' [Variations on the Theme 'Balkans'], Belgrade: Filip Višnjić, 2006.
"Kosovo: Reality of a Myth and Myth of Many Realities," in Serbien und Montenegro, Vienna: Österreichische Osthefte, 2006.
"The Aesthetics of Theosis: Uncovering the Beauty of Image," in Aesthetics as a Religious Factor in Eastern and Western Christianity, edited by W. van den Bercken and J. Sutton, Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2006.
"National Memory as Narrative Memory: The Case of Kosovo" in National Memory in Southeastern Europe, edited by Maria Todorova, London: Hurst & Co., 2004.
"What's so Byzantine about the Balkans?" in Balkan as Metaphor, edited by D. Bijelić and O. Savić, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 2002
"Nesting Orientalisms: The Case of Former Yugoslavia," Slavic Review 54 (1995).
The World on the Turtle's Back: Myths, Legends and Stories of the Iroquois, 1991 [translator].
The Painter of Signs by R.K. Narayan, 1986 [translator].