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Tony Edwards

  • Associate Professor Emeritus


Wittgenstein, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of religion, metaphysics, metaphor, religious ethics, Aquinas, Maimonides


Philosophy of Religion, Religion and Rationality, Wisdom, Myth, Symbol and Ritual, The Guide of the Perplexed

University Affiliations

Secondary appointment in the Philosophy Department and core faculty member of the Program in Cultural Studies

Representative Publications

Interior Acts: Teleology, Justice, and Friendship in the Religious Ethics of Thomas Aquinas, University Press of America, 1986

"Durkheim, Kant, and the Social Construction of the Categories," in Reappraising Durkheim, edited by Thomas A. Idinopulos and Brian Wilson, Brill, 2002

"The Teacher's Dilemma: Redescription in the Teaching of Religious Studies," Teaching Theology and Religion 2.1 (1999)

"Rorty on the Literalization of Metaphor," Method and Theory in the Study of Religion 9.2 (1997)

"Play, Ritual, and the Rationality of Religious Paradox," Method and Theory in the Study of Religion 5.1 (1993)

"Structure and Change in Aquinas's Religious Ethics," Journal of the American Academy of Religion 54.2 (1986)